
Mildly secure

HTB Business CTF 2023 - Unveiled writeup

Unveield was a challenge at the HTB Business CTF 2023 from the ‘Cloud’ category.
It involved exploiting a misconfigured S3 service by enumerating buckets and their contents, looking at previous versions and obtaining write access to a bucket and using it to upload a shell to the server.

For this challenge, we got an IP address of a server (VPN was needed for this!) and that server was running a single web app.
The webpage

A quick look at the source code reveals that the website tries to load resources from s3.unveiled.htb.
So I added that domain name to /etc/hosts and pointed it to the IP address of the machine that was spawned for this challenge.

Link to S3

Since this is a ‘cloud’ challenge, I expect to see cloud services.
So if I see S3, I’ll try enumerating for S3 buckets first

aws s3 --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb ls

Enumerating S3 buckets

We have two buckets: backups and website.
Let’s check out the content of each of those two buckets.

aws s3 --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb ls s3://unveiled-backups/
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb ls s3://website-assets/

Enumerating files

It looks like I am unable to access website-assets.
However, I could find a terraform (.tf) file in the backups bucket.
Let’s try reading it.

aws s3 --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb cp s3://unveiled-backups/ .

Error at copying files

And … I can’t read it.

I thought this is part of the challenge (it wasn’t) and I wanted to look at the API response that I was getting.
So I looked up how to make aws-cli go through a proxy and used BurpSuite to view the requests.

To my surprise, the response looked correct, despite aws-cli saying it isn’t.

Correct response

The most interesting part of this response was the part where the backups bucket was configured.
When configuring it, “versioning” was turned on.

So maybe there’s a way to see older versions of s3 data.
After some googling, it looks like s3api is what can be used for this.

aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb list-buckets
aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb list-objects --bucket unveiled-backups

Using S3Api

First, I tried listing the buckets and the files contained in the backups bucket again.
And before anything else, I wanted to see if I can retrieve files using this.

aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb --bucket unveiled-backups --key

Retrieving a file

Yes, I can. No mure BurpSuite required.

Then, I checked out if there are any older versions of the file.

aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb list-object-versions --bucket unveiled-backups --key

Listing versions

There’s a deleted test.txt file and an older version of that has a few extra bytes compared to the current one.
Let’s start with the older file.

aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.unveiled.htb get-object --bucket unveiled-backups --key --version-id e27a09ec-15db-484e-808e-b176d6eabcd7

Retrieving older version

It works and we get some credentials.
I tried using those credentials for accessing website-assets and I could do it.
The website-assets bucket contained the files that were server by the webserver.

So I uploaded a php reverse shell like this one. (s3 could be used for this, s3api wasn’t needed anymore)
And then I accessed the shell.php file in order to trigger it

Uploading a shell

As expected, the shell ran and I got access to the server.
The shell runs as the www-data user.

Getting a reverse shell

While trying to take a look at how the app hosted on the server looks, I noticed that /var/www contains a flag.txt file.
So I read its contents…

Getting the flag

And we got the flag for this challenge: HTB{th3_r3d_p14n3ts_cl0ud_h4s_f4ll3n}

It makes sense; it was a cloud challenge, not a fullpwn one after all.